Monday, September 22, 2008

No Go

Well after hanging out on my computer all day long and watching the weather like it was news coming in for WWIII, the weather ended up winning the battle. I had to cancel my two cross country flights because of the forecast of thunderstorms in the area. Well yes there were some storms moving through the area and the closest they came to Grand Forks was about 30 miles to the West. My flights were planned for going to Cedar Rapids which is southeast of Grand Forks. I am not too happy to put it nicely, I would have loved to have gotten those two flights done and over with but I guess I will just have to get them done another day. Pictures of these two flights will be posted as soon as they are available. Here is a shot of Cole I took this weekend. I really need to get him a conductor hat but he is pleased with just wearing his hard hat.

1 comment:

Jen said...

well you only have 84 days to make it happen so you better get on it.